Here is my statement for the 2017 anniversary. The most important points are 3,4, and 6.(1500 words) Richard Gage Is The Most Valuable 9/11Truth Activist Ever Full Version Richard Gage Is The Most Valuable 9/11Truth Activist Ever Full Version Here I take Richard to meet Noam but AE mishandles the opportunity. GageMeetsChomsky (3000 words) GageMeetsChomsky IsKellyDavidAPoliceAgent (6000words) most important item is #3 out of 41, but read the 3 pieces in bold, too. IsKellyDavidAPoliceAgent DSlesingersHistoryWith911Truth (12000 words) There are dozens of times I put sentences in bold. Good way to skim this. Includes a list of the 30 work teams I at least got team leaders for that Kelly shut down. ...